Bay Zoltan Science Shop
Despre noi
- Anul înființării : 2019
- Țară: Ungaria
Smart Research EngineeringLegături spre ateliere științifice
Drinkable rivers
Descriere : Bay Zoltan Science Shop is a hub for Drinkable Rivers initiative.
Domenii de aplicare
The mission of the Bay Zoltán Science Shop is to bring research closer to the community.
Bay Zoltán Science Shop is hosted by Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research in Hungary, which is Hungary’s largest and most successful institution for applied research. Research and innovation activities focus on the areas of materials sciences, laser- , nano- and biotechnology, ICT, logistics and engineering. The Science Shop therefore focuses on research questions related to these areas. Being an applied research organisation, the solutions that we develop will be ready-to-use and technical.
You can contact us at
Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research