Institution: Autorità di bacino distrettuale delle Alpi Orientali (Eastern Alps Hydrographic District)
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Francesco Baruffi was/is involved in several European projects as General Manager of the Eastern Alps Hydrographic District.
Thanks to these experiences he increased his expertise in science communication, participatory research and innovative initiatives, and especially in the development of Citizens Observatories for Water Management. One such Observatory is active in Vicenza, where citizens contribute positively in the field of emergency management. He is promoter of the application of the Citizen Observatory as a mitigation measure of the Flood Risk Management Plan in the Hydrographic District of the Eastern Alps.
He also promoted the organization of the COWM International Conference, a biennial event about the role and opportunities for active participation of citizens in monitoring and environmental policies. The conference was an opportunity of sharing applied research topics about the potential of Citizen Science in the Water Governance between universities, research institutions, local government and professionals of the water management sector.