The Horizon 2020 SciShops project officially finished at the end of February. The project explored how different types of research organisations, such as universities, research institutes, companies and non-profit organisations can develop sustainable Science Shops. Running from September 2017 to February 2020, the SciShops project involved 18 partner organisations from 13 European countries.
Ten new Science Shops were established during the project alongside resources, tools and training to support new Science Shops. Read profiles of the new Science Shops.

Resources for Science Shops
Throughout the project, SciShops partners have developed a range of resources to support the establishment and development of Science Shops. Resources can be found at, a networking and knowledge sharing platform, which will remain active beyond the life of the project and include:
- Guide on how to establish and run a Science Shop
- Case studies of Science Shops and best practices
- Tools to support responsible research and innovation (RRI) and stakeholder engagement
- What’s a Science Shop? FAQ
- Online training modules
- Scenarios collection
- CBPR Practitioner’s Roadmap and Methodology toolkit
- Science Shop Tips & Tricks
- Strategy for Participatory Research
- Literature review on community-based participatory research
- Getting the most out of twinning and mentoring – top tips
- Stakeholder survey findings on awareness, experience and opinion about community-based participatory research in 34 countries
- SciShops Collaboration – a virtual meeting space for all stakeholders who are working in Community-Based Participatory Research, including discussions on CBPR-related Jobs, Partnerships, Funding, Staff Exchange, Twinning and Mentoring opportunities.
The SciShops project held two Summer Schools and a Symposium as well as dozens of local participatory events (see news section for reports of events and activities). It also ran the SciShops Pitch Challenge, in which contestants from across the world were invited to present a short video (maximum of 3 minutes) about a societal research project run together with partners in their local community.
A factsheet providing an overview of the project’s activities is also available to download.